About Porirua City AFC
Porirua City AFC was established in 1968
The club was originally based at Waihora Park which featured a club rooms and catered for men, woman and juniors. The teams played in various Wellington football competitions through to the late 1990’s when just the juniors operated alone for a couple of seasons due to a lack of senior players.
In 2001 two Masters teams kick started the senior club again with the Masters 1 team winning the grade in the first season. Since then the club has flourished and in 2019 will consist of 1 senior & 2 masters mens teams, and a 11th, 13th and 14th grade junior teams, and a First Kicks program for 5 & 6 year olds.
In 2017 the Masters 4 team won their grade, while the Womans team won their Division 2 grade and were promoted.
In 2018 the Men’s first team were promoted from Capital 7 after round 1 and won Capital 6 and were promoted to Capital 5 for 2019, and the Masters 4 team won their grade again, and the 13th grade Spartens went undefeated in 2018
The clubs official home ground now is Adventure Park situated in Whitby (opposite the mall) with Waihora Park used as a back up ground.
The 2019 season saw the introduction of the 5th & 6th (first kicks ), and 7th & 8th grades, in to the club, these are run at the Postgate School sports field, Staithes Drive North, Whitby, on a Sunday mornings between 9.30 and 10.30 am starting on the first Sunday in May
The Club celebrated their 50 year anniversary in 2018, this featured an Old Timers Invitation day, held at Adventure Park and function later that night.
All the clubs teams play in the Capital Football leagues and have had a lot of success through the years.
See our contact list for more information or if you are interested in joining the club